Graffiti Research Lab – Canada

Rest In Pixels

December 19th, 2009 . by agentscott

*** Florian Hufsky, co-founder of G.R.L. Vienna took his life on Wednesday. ***

We at GRL Canada offer our deepest condolences to Agent Zeltner,, and the multiple communities that he touched.


Rest in Pixels
“Did you meet Florian Hufsky yet?” “No, who?” “He’s hanging out here every weekend, he’s interesting, you should talk to him”. I spotted him due to his slight Carinthian accent. His reaction to how was introduced to him when he wasn’t there seemed surprised, distrustful yet flattered – an ambivalence that never left his personality. His backcatalog was impressive – his view of the world intuitive – his understanding of enthusiasm intrinsic – his ways so unknowingly charming. Trying to bring memories of him into a coherent form is about as futile as to ask him to please restrict his constant stream of output to just one field – he was all over the place. Organising protests, writing webapplications, drawing cute characters, putting up stickers, hijacking reputable art organisations, spraying stencils, receiving inquiries from the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Saftey Authority, finding new ways to enjoy sleep deprivation, saying “fuck” on live TV repeatedly, but most importantly infecting large crowds of people with his immense amount of joy.

I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for him.

Florian Hufsky was a prototyper in every way. I couldn’t wait to see
version 1.0.
